A few of my jewelry treasures I found in Oronoco for my vintage redesign jewelry
Morning Shopping at the Flea Market
Welcome to Day 3 of the Junk Market Gals contributor gathering in Minnesota. Last post I left you at 2 am to catch some Z's. It is now early Saturday morning at the Gold Rush Days Flea Market in Oronoco, Minnesota, where Sue has scheduled us to a hearty and yummy breakfast at the Oronoco Fire Hall. For $6 we had 2 huge pancakes, 2 large sausage links, a heaping pile of scrambled eggs and your choice of coffee, water or orange juice. It was very filling and we were once again replenished and able to begin our day of fun.
This gentlemen, Billy Joe of Missouri is an Oronoco favorite vendor to visit year after year. Lanette and Sue brought us to his booth and he's creations were amazing.
This is one of my favorite things I saw at the Flea Market. It truly combines what the Junk Market group is all about and that is redefining others cast offs/junk into a usable new creation. Billy Joe outdid himself on this one when he salvaged a rusty pair of car ramps along with some weather patina ed metal from the Salvage yard and turned it into a one-of-a-kind sofa table. What a fabulous table this is.
This skeleton just tickled my funny bone. Reminded me of high school and college days in the biology classroom and I'd not seen one of these for years. This show has a little bit of everything.
What a conversation starter this would be in your home.
Sue wastes no time entering Billy Joe's booth. She knows from past years that he's got the goods.
More wonderful tins from Billy Joe and tables he's created with Junk finds.
Kathy and Candy catching their breathe and digging for their cameras outside of Billy Joe's booth.
Read more about Candy's junking adventures at: http://www.junksophisticate.blogspot.com/ .
Lanette with her head down and almost running into Billy Joe's cool booth. Her pocketbook was a lot thinner after this booth.
She found some fabulous items she couldn't live without here.